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I Scream Because I’m Angry :: This book is intended to be read with a child or group of children to spark dialogue about anger as a normal emotion experienced by everyone. Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings or motivate one to find solutions to problems. This book provides children and adults with a few strategies to cope with challenges and communicate emotions. Also available on Amazon.

Dear Everybody, Admit There’s Hurt :: Are we Doing Everything To Address Hurt? After a loved one, neighbor, member of the community has died, how do you explain it to the children? What words do you use? What actions are taken? It is important to have open conversations with children about death in a way that helps them understand it is a part of life and that grief is an emotion experienced by everyone in various ways. Also available on Amazon.

…But, What If… :: Sometimes the world can seem like a scary place. There may be a fear of getting hurt, being left out, or not fitting in. But, what if we could help guide our thoughts toward a more positive outcome? what if we can teach the children to do the same? Let’s fight these fears together. Also available on Amazon.

Ignite Success with Snowden McFall

The time to be whole is now.

Upcoming 2020 Publications….

This book endeavors to provide solutions and encouragement for ensuring educators are getting their basic needs met in order to increase fulfillment in this profession.

The conversations about mental health are on the rise and we would like to continue the dialogue by sharing relevant and relatable stories that impact classroom and school culture.

Interested in becoming a Contributing Writer for one or both of the upcoming publications? Use the title links to access the submission forms. Teaching with Mental Health in Mind and Teach Whole: Beyond Self-Care.

Submissions for the publications will be accepted through March 31st. Up to 5 submissions per person can be made.

If you wish to recommend a colleague or friend in the field of education, you may forward this information. 

Notifications will be sent by email on the status of your submission. The final decisions will be made by April 30th.

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